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Firefox account

Firefox account

Here is how to create a Firefox account. We are also exploring the possibility of allowing non-Mozilla services to delegate authentication to Firefox Accounts. If youre leaving Firefox behin you may want to delete your account to remove all your personal data from Firefoxs servers.

Firefox Accounts (FxA) is an identity provider that provides authentication and user profile data for Mozilla cloud services. Jan 2 20When you use Firefox with an account and logged in with it, you will have the same data when you use Firefox on another device. Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web with multiple identities or accounts simultaneously.

Firefox Accounts is the account system for Firefox users to access hosted services provided by Mozilla.

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Nov 1 20Mozilla Firefox uses a Firefox account to sync your passwords, bookmarks, and other browsing data between devices. Apr 1 20How to Create a Firefox Account. But before you can do this, you ll need to create an account you will need this.

Make the most of your Firefox experience, across every device. Oct 0 20Firefox Multi-Account Containers lets you keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded tabs that preserve your privacy. You ll need to re-verify your account by clicking the link in the to be able to access Firefox Accounts.

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A user can sign in with a Firefox Account to any of her Foxes - Firefox on Desktop, Firefox for Androi and Firefox OS - to access integrated services such as Firefox Sync and Firefox Marketplace. Mozilla Firefox has a lot of features to help you manage your browser settings, bookmarks, security features, and add-ons. Same speed and safety you trust, designed just for business.

All you need to create a Firefox Account is an address and a password. To perform account-level activities, please click the link to re-verify your account now. This will be so much useful if you frequently switch from one device to another when work.

This means that we detected suspicious activity with your Firefox Account. Firefox Accounts lets you access Mozilla Services on any device with the Firefox browser by simply signing in.
Read about new Firefox features, and get tips for staying safer online.

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