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Ps 5 release date

Ps release date

Please hit SUBSCRIBE the bell icon to support the channel. In 20we came within a few days of predicting the actual PSrelease date, no one else came closer. We are continually updating this page with new information as it breaks that could alter our current predictions.

The PSis going to be released next year, according to Cernys report and a subsequent statement. Nov 2 20PS5: Release Date Window, Price, Specs, Backwards Compatibility, And What We Know. The PSis Official, see the PSRelease Date.

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That will put it right up against Xbox s Project Scarlett. The PSwill be launching in the latter months of 202 Sony has confirmed. Nov 2 20PSrelease date When is the PlayStation coming out?

Jun 2 20PlayStation Is Official. We imagine this will land in November, ensuring the console. We plan on having the same high accuracy for the PSrelease date.

Oct 0 20Sony finally talks about the PSspecs, giving the first official info on the next-gen console. Learn about the Price, Specs, Games, Pictures and all things relating to the Playstation here at the original and ultimate PSresource. PlayStation launches in late 202 and here s a roundup of all the details that Sony has shared so far.

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Sony has officially confirmed the PSwill release Holiday 202 aka between October and December 2020. According to Sony, the PlayStation will officially launch in Holiday 2020. We still have a long wait ahead of us before Sony makes things official, but it turns out that the new PS5s price and exact release date may have just been revealed in a huge leak.

We round-up of all the PSrelease date news and price speculation, plus general PlayStation gossip. A leak has suggested that the release date will be November 2 20but. PSRelease Date Specs News (4K Gameplay) - Graphics - Coming 2019? After the companys earnings report, Sony Interactive Entertainment told.

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